Hi J.,
I just wanted to say, don't worry. Your sister and the baby will be fine. I had contractions every 5 min (60 sec long) for 6 weeks before I had my son and was 3 cm the whole time! They admitted me at 4 cm when the contractions changed (they were every 3 min for the last few weeks) but they started to come in my lower back and lasting longer, that is when I went in for the last time. I am 32 weeks pregnant again, and having contractions already (not Braxton-Hicks). I love and trust my doctor and she explained some people have over-sensitive uteruses and that I happen to be one of them! I would say to tell your sister not to do anything to try to bring the labor on, it only makes the contractions worse and they don't seem to cause any progression at this point. I completely understand her frusteration right now, but the contractions are going to get A LOT worse and learn to get used to these and the next ones will be better. When they admitted me, I stayed at 4 cm and 3 min for 8 hours before they decided to break my water, that is when my labor really progressed, so my point is, she is going to be more comfortable at home and not to worry about the dilation or the contractions being close. They will both be fine. One thing that helped me was to not think "oh no here comes another one" but to think about a wave, how it comes on slowly and reaches a peak then it is going to go away...thinking positively REALLY helps to deal with the days and days of contractions! The baby will be here sooner than you both know it!