Hi J.
Your baby is just shy of a month and they go through spurts when they want to nurse alot and then spurts when there is little interest. I nursed 4 children (1 I nursed until she was 2 years old and the other 3 I nursed for 13 months each). They nurse more when they are going through a growth period and a little less when they are not. Your son is in a growth period.
Also I tend to find that babies take the pacy at different stages, one of my doctors said I should give it starting in the hospital. I did for one child and she took it well. My other girl would not take it until she was about a month and only after trying almost every brand. Then after she took it she rejected it once she turned 10 months. My two boys varied as well. My older son took the pacy, but always perferred to be on the breast. He would fall asleep with it half way out of his mouth and then wake up when I moved it. My youngest boy loved the pacy and up until 15 months would not give it up with out a serious battle..'-) I let me kids have the pacy longer if they wanted it because taking them off the breast at 13 months and then off the pacy at the same time seemed cruel to me.
Don't worry about over feeding, alot of time my kids would nurse every hour, even during the night. Your doctor will tell you if the baby is not getting enough milk because his weight will be down. It all sounds very normal to me, but with the pacy buy every brand in the store and see which one he likes, my kids always liked the NUK. Yet, I know parents whose kids didn't. Try it and see!
Good luck