"Julie S" I think her profile means she's a mother of two and SHE is a college student. Geez.
Hon, periods are often wonky after giving birth--any way you do it.
I had a C-Section in June,2014 and after i stopped bleeding I got a normal period in July,2014 and I got a normal period the following month in August,2014. Then September I didn't get one at all and havn't get one this month yet..IS THIS NORMAL BECAUSE OF THE C-SECTION??
Thanks too those who were helpful. First thing, my daughter is 2 years old, I breastfed her for 18 months, when I had her in July I bled for 3 weeks straight and the bleeding stop. August 22, 2012 I had a normal period and it was time for my 6 weeks check up, I told my OBGYN that I hadn't been bleeding and he said this was my cycle so he rescheduled me for the following week. My cycle had went off like normal when I went back for the check-up, there I did blood work, got my cesarean stitches checked every thing was fine, no missed periods, no spotting, none of that..Now pregnancy #2, my boy. I had him in June, bled for 2 weeks and then the bleeding stopped, got a cycle on July 6, and August6, 2014, I got normal periods as before same amount of days like was before I got pregnant. I take NO BIRTH CONTROL THEY IRREGULATE YOUR TEMPLE(BODY) NO OFFENSE, and I do have safe sex and I slipped up here and there with my fiancé (kids father), we had sex the end of July and the whole week beginning August until my cycle came on, then August 11th was the last day we had sex which was round 4am, then he got murdered and I don't know if it could be stress that threw my cycle off, but September I didn't get one at all, and now its October and after I post this I started feeling cramps in my back went to the restroom and saw a little spotting, now it's stopped? This is way different from my first pregnancy and also, my son is only 3 months and I'm also breastfeeding him as well!
"Julie S" I think her profile means she's a mother of two and SHE is a college student. Geez.
Hon, periods are often wonky after giving birth--any way you do it.
Good god. I don't even know what to say after reading your SWH. Maybe call your doctor???!!
I am still trying to figure out your profile pic.
I am kind of impressed you got a four month old baby into college mind you
Sweetie, I've had two C-sections. This has nothing to do with the C-sections. This has to do with what is going on with you and your life. Our bodies respond differently to stress and I'm thinking you have some stress. I would contact my doctor for a physical.
It has nothing to do with the c-section. It has to do with giving birth and having erratic hormones. Those first 2 periods might not have been regular periods with ovulation. But maybe they were. You don't say if you are using breastfeeding, which can affect things. You don't say if you are using contraception. Please do so - assume you can get pregnant, but don't assume you are having normal periods. You have to play it both ways after you have a baby. If your normal periods do not return in 6 months you can mention it to your doctor, but it really can take a long while.
Are you on any type of birth control? Are you having sex again? I'm not a doctor, but if you say no to both, then it could be possibility since your body is still recovering from being pregnant, does some weird things for a little bit. Now, if you aren't on birth control and having sex, I would assume you might be pregnant again.
Talk to your OBGYN.
That has nothing to do with a c-section. The "normal" period one month after birth sounds suspect. When you get your period after birth depends on hormones and whether or not you are breastfeeding.
Welcome to mamapedia!!
What a story!! Unmarried mom, two kids and dad is murdered. That's got to be stressful.
You had sex before he was murdered and had your period, right? Have you gone to your doctor to find out what is going on? I'm sure with a new born and a murdered boyfriend, you are stressed out.
I've never had a C-Section. However, I can't imagine a missed period would be because of a C-Section considering you've had two prior to this.
You sound VERY YOUNG - like 19 or 20....have you asked for help with your kids and your life??
No, this isn't normal after stuff of a C section. It is from stress and having a lot going on.
I'd make an appointment with the OB/GYN and go in for a full evaluation. The doc can do an ultra sound if they feel something is off.