I just wanted to say also that the supplement "Lysine" is the way to go. I was told this by a friend and when ever he would have the breakout he would take several in one dose and then would continue to take it daily too until it was totally gone. I would ask the pharmacist first though about how much is safe to take in one dose. From what I remember my friend told me that taking a big dose like that boosts your immune system to kick it. I did try this when I had a cold sore/fever blister after he told me about it and I checked with the pharmacist to make sure I was taking it properly. I do remember taking a larger than normal dose, but can't remember how much exactly. It definitely works though, because if I just feel one starting I automatically start taking it and usually it never amounts to a full blown sore like it use to in the past. I told my mom about it and now she does the same thing as it works for her too. Maybe it helps to keep them away too, because I don't get them near as much as I use to. I don't know if it is something you can take on a daily basis like a vitamin or not, but it wouldn't hurt to check with the pharmacist if you get them frequently. Hope this helps