Our daughter ( now 18.5+) came out of the crib on her own at 17 months.
We had a queen bed in the room with her crib that she loved. It worked for us at the time because we were all upstairs in the house.
At 4ish, we moved to our new house that we built. In this house... Master bedroom is down and her bedroom is upstairs and on opposite end of house.
She ended up being in the bed with us more than not. I inquired with my pedi at the time and she said...." There will be a day when you wish she would come to your bed."
So we let it go. We have multiple bed moving per night anyway even after daughter has moved out. Hubby snores, I can't sleep etc ..You just go where you can sleep... That's the thought!
I can say by later elementary school, daughter realized how good she had it upstairs all alone in 2000+ SF and I swear.. If we had a kitchen up there we would never have seen her!!
We just let it run the course and in the end we still had an independent child and we enjoyed all the times we had all cuddled in the same bed.
My daughter has her own place now and I miss her! Enjoy your time while you can. It flies by!
Best wishes!