When my son was a baby, and a toddler, I was very close to him. I am not sure if it was for him or myself, knowing my tubes were tied and I wouldn't have anymore kids. I realized that holding him so much and having so much closeness, while I liked it, I wasn't allowing him to grow up. So for his well being, I had to let him go. It was hard. He is now 7. I asked him not too long ago how he feels about me not holding him all the time, and asked if he still felt I loved him. Turns out the separtaion bothered me more than him. He don't really remember me stopping and still feels I love him. But now I can know that now he is more likely to be independent and not be so afraid of being in the world,like I was for a while due to an over protective mom. He does have selective mutism though, maybe as a result of my clingy behavior in the past, who knows. It is hard to force yourself to not be so clingy to your kids, but when they get older, it will help them to be able to do things themselves, without being so afraid that you aren't there every second. Like when they start kidnergarten.