Our Room Moms, do this:
They e-mail a confirmation to the parents, that they DID receive the $ donation for the Teacher's gift. And also say that, if they DID give money, but did not get a confirmation, to tell her. But she will tell them that she did not receive the money. Sometimes kids lose things. Or did not give it. So to ALSO check with their child, and IF the child did give the money in the proper drop off box etc.
Or if no e-mail contact info is known, then a note is sent home from school with the child. Saying what I said above.
Next: just sign the card saying it is from their class and parents.
No need to have each individual sign the card.
Not everyone has the money, to give toward a Teacher's gift. And sometimes the parent didn't even get or read, the notes that a child brings home from school.
I know many kids, whose parents do not read the notes, that come home with the child from school. Unfortunately.