Hi there, there is one thing/approach that I can assure you works and works fast. I also was/am plagued by yeast infections, usually appearing right after ovulating and clearing with my period..when the yeast infection is really bad, I have learned (through many years of experience--my children are in their 20's!) that the only thing that stops it is taking a nutritional supplement called Capricin, which I think is mostly magnesium. Take 3 pills 3 times a day, and while i think it is recommeded to do it for 10-12 days, it is not necessary to keep taking it after you think the infection is good and gone! I learned this after an excruciatingly long bout with yeast after the birth of my second baby, and trying all the other remedies listed above. By the way, I have never liked or eaten much sugar, don't eat processed foods and eat tons of plain yogurt and a probiotic supplement daily anyway, and always have, but these alone will not get rid of a stubborn yeast infection...I have recommended this to many friends who all report relief! CAPRICIN=yay! the regular doctors don't have anything...good luck, it's such a drag I know...(ps, the suppositories available in heath food stores such as Yeast Gard, are very soothing and get rid of the itch, but don't clear up the infection in my experience. the temporary symptom relief is great though.)