Hi J.!
Congratulations on your little one and to your sister as well! I am sorry to hear about her struggles- no doubt she is in pain! A few things that she can do to help...
Try to eat as many raw fruits and vegetables as possible- no processed foods and limit meats, soy and conventional dairy products. NO PROCESSED SUGAR! If she mush have sweet, she should use raw honey (for her, not the baby, of course) or agave nectar. She needs to take a good probiotic- I use Shaklee's Optiflora pearls. Try and find a "pearl" probiotic because of the layers- the bactieria survives the stomach acid and gets deposited in the gut where it is needed. I think she should take Wishgarden Herbs Mastitis Remedy. This remedy will help get the infection under control. She could also try a breast compress to relieve her pain and help draw out some of the infection. And finally, please provide lots of support for her to keep keeping on with breastfeeding. I know it must bo so hard for her, but she can get this under control and will be able to enjoy a wonderful breastfeeding relationship with her child.
Other things I suggest- I think she should see a Natropath- they will work with her to identify the problems and the causes instead of just masking the symptoms.
If you (or she) would like more info or help, please feel free to contact me. Also, if she wants to try the Mastitis Remedy, I would be heppy to extend a discount to her, either one of you can email me for the details if you are interested.
What a wonderful sister to be so supportive- if only we were all so blessed! Please give your sister my best wishes for a fast recovery!
H. Gaitten