I totally reccommend it. I don't have a lot of curvature in my cervical vertebre & have problems with my mid-back due to my painting. I have had chiros that had me coming in multiple timesa a week w/ poor results. My chiro now, I see bi-weekly, or as needed & I feel great. I'll go more often if my migraines are flaring up.
Keep in mind, however, there are many schools of thought & practice within the Chiropractic field. The traditionalists seem to "crack it all, everytime," and I've had mixed results. My new chiro, I 've been using for me & my oldest daughter for a year now practices "Gonstead" chiropractic. I love it. It is more specific & focused, and has worked very well for me.
Do your research, and as tough as it can be, if you try one & don't like him, try another. They are all a little different. And some are definitely better than others...some I even refer to as "chiro-quackers."