I was soooo there! It was when we were between pets too and only had a kitten (it couldn't be treated with Frontline because it was to young). I swear they took over the house. I tried every thing borax, salt, and used those Foggers (I bought at Wal-mart) nothing seem to work! Like someone else posted vacuum! I would vacuum at least 2 times a day some times 3x's!! After each time you vacuum you need to take it outside and dump what you vacuumed straight in the trash...OUTSIDE. I would dump mine in a grocery bag outside and you could see them jumping around in the bag!! They are so annoying because once you think you have them gone the eggs hatch and they cycle starts over!! It takes a good month and I know it can be so frustrating but just stay on it!! Good luck!! My heart hurts for you because when we had fleas it was one of the most horrible times in my life!!!!