I have 5 kids... 20, 18, 17.... and then a 2 year old and a 3 month old! My older kids were "grown", nearly adults, and honestly, I just missed tending to their needs. I've become so accustomed to the nurturing aspect of my Self that it's pretty much dominated who I am as an adult. Without tending to kids, who am I, anyway? The one thing I most enjoyed in my life was tending to my kids, playing with them, teaching them and being amazed at how they learn, play, grow... finding my youngest at 15, ya know, they hardly "need" me anymore, they were so independent, and I felt lost, sad... like I have so much to give and noone to give it to, does that make sense?! I also felt that since I was such a young mother, I can look back and see things I wish I'd done with them, had I done this or that differently, could I have done things better, different, etc. I'm always analyzing what I did and how they responded, sorta like a novice Psychologist.... I decided that I could relive my joyful experience of nurturing a child, and at the same time, put my thoughts to the test, nurturing them in ways I wish I'd done with the first three. My 5th baby was a surprise, but a welcome one! My baby #4 was in essence an "only child" or a firstborn, having the "I'm the only little kid, the center of your universe" kinda thing going on. Now she shares the spotlight with baby Evelyn, she's getting used to it now. I think having baby #4 filled a need in my self, being that I enjoy time spent nurturing a growing child, so I would have to say it was a selfish reason why I intentionally became pregnant, yet I feel my baby #4 has many advantages I wasn't able to offer, emotionally or financially, my first three kids much of. Gina, baby #4, is very self confident, talks extremely well for her age, is incredibly smart, and I think this is a result of her getting ALL my attention for the first two years of her life! :)