Hello there. Go to the store and buy an over the counter liquid (in baby isle), called Mylecon. It is not toxic, it is safe to give him (you can ask your ped), and it is a MIRACLE. I heard about it through a friend when I had my first child, I used it with my second child as well, and it truly is a blessing for a baby who has problems with gas. Both of my children did. If your child is still on formula, you may try switching to a formula called Alamentin. Another wonderful invention in the formula category. My first child had alot of problems from the time she was born, as a new mom, I tried alot of different things, and found myself frustrated at times, to what might work. Alla-men-tin (spelling might not be right) and Mylecon were my two very best friends, while raising both my children during thier infant stages.