Hi K.,
I just happened upon your Oct 20 post about cervical spine epidurals while i was updating my profile....you had actually responded to one of my posts regarding spinal pain back in June of 2009, and i saw your new question in your profile! I'm sooo sorry about your neck pain . I have suffered with it for over 15 years, and sympathize with everything you are going through. I had a cervical laminectomy of C6-C7 in 1998, which was a difficult surgery with complications, and i have had many episodes of painful flares in the years since. Two of the flares were so bad that i ended up in the hospital in the stroke unit, because my symptoms mimiced those of stroke. I was tested twice for MS as well....seems i'm quite the enigma!! :-0 Last year at around this time i had a flare of neck/shoulder/arm/hand pain from compressed nerves from C3 to C8.....ughhh. I'm sure i don't need to go into details with you - you obviously have suffered the same and know how horrible it is. I seriously wanted to cut my arm off. After visits with the neurologist, neurosurgeon, and pain management doctor in January, 2010, it was determined that the last option for me was a nerve block. If it didnt help, then i would need a cervical spinal fusion.....which i did NOT want to go through!!
I had the cervical nerve block done in late February, 2010, and was told it could take 3-10 days for me to feel relief. I experienced symptoms of heat, flushing, pain and stiffness, with little to no immediate relief from my nerve pain. It also caused a pretty bad flare of my rosacea (which i had read it could do), and i was a broken out, red, and bumpy mess for quite awhile.
Talk about adding insult to injury, right? Buuuut....finally after over 3 weeks i realized my symptoms were finally beginning to subside, and by mid April i was virtually pain free!!!! wow!! I was teaching pre-school 5days/week at the time and was so happy to be pain free, and so happy to be able to stop pretending i was fine. I spent the summer gardening, riding bikes, and doing pretty much whatever i wanted (always remembering my limitations, though). It's 9 months later, and i'm still doing great! I hope it continues, but if i have another relapse i wouldnt hesitate to ask for another block. BTW, i take Lyrica each day, but i've cut my dose from 6 a day (2/3x) to 2/day (1 in am and 1 in pm). I could probably actually stop taking it, but no sense rocking the boat at this point. I'm so grateful to be doing so well. So dont lose hope, K., b/c i think if i could respond to the nerve block so well, anyone could. Hoefully it's kicked in for you by this time. Good luck and i hope you find relief!