I like your backpack fairy idea. My parents didn't do anything for us growing up. The ritual was we would all load up and go to Sears. We would each get 2 pair of toughskin jeans, 3 shirts, a winter coat, a 6 pack of sock and underwear and 1 pair of tennies from Kmart or Payless. My mom never looked at the supply list. She would buy us a big chief tablet, some crayons and pencils and that was that. So, now for mine....I kind of go all out on the clothes and supplies. My daughter growing up would get the sparkliest, prettiest of all supplies I could find. I would greet her from the bus the 1st day with - did you have the best school supplies of anybody? lol She still laughs at me for that one. I'm liking the backpack fairy. Any excuse to slip a little something extra into my kids bank of good memories is a good one.