I am having a real problem with a child in my day care that will not eat any veggies or fruit. He eats meat and one bite if any of bread. I am sure the parents take him home after I try to feed him and throw it all way noodles or mac/cheese. This kids get hooked on that and never eat healthy. The USDA recommends
milk 1/2 Cup
fruit or veggie or full strength juice 1/4 Cup
Cereal or bread Equivalent 1/2 slice
1/4 cup
Snack( Choose 2 of the four food groups)
Milk 1/2 C
fruit or Veg or 1/4 C
Full strength juice 1/2
Cereal and or Bread Equivalent 1/2 Slice or
1/4 Cup
Meat and Alternative like beans or cheese 1/2
milk 1/2 cup
Veggie or Fruit 1/8 Cup
Veggie or Fruit 1/8 Cup
Bread or Equivalant 1/2 Slice or 1/4 C
Snack ( Choose 2 of the four food groups)
milk 1/2 C
Fruit, veggie or Full strength juice 1/2 Slice
or 1/4 C
Cereal or Bread 1/2 Slice or 1/4 C
Meat and or Alternate 1/2 oz
milk 1/2 C
meat or alternative 1/2 slice or 1/4 cup
veggie or fruit 1/8 C
veggie or fruit 1/8 C
Bread or equivalent 1/2 slice or 1/4 C
Snack (Choose two of the four food groups)
milk 1/2 C
fruit or veggie 1/4 C
or full strength juice 1/2 C
meat or alternative 1/2 oz
I had a schedule of this years ago and had to beg the doctor for it. All professionals in government reimbursement plans go by this. The amounts change for different age groups this is for 1-2 yr olds. 3-5 yr olds have instead of 1/2 C have 3/4 cup. They recommend not a lot of juice and offer water at snacks. Whole grain breads and snacks. We give very little sugar. Cheeses and beans are alternative for meat. Pasta is a grain as is rice. Try to use br rice if you can. Antioxidants given daily help keep us healthy. I also find the stool in everyone is so much better. Not as messy. So good luck. I wish they would send all moms leaving the hospital these guides. G. W