Carpal Tunnel Release

Updated on November 11, 2008
S.O. asks from Austin, TX
8 answers

Last ditch effort...I am suffering from severe carpal tunnel syndrome from my recent pregnancy. It has resulted in moderate/severe nerve damage in my hands. I went ahead with the Carpal Tunnel Release surgery on my right hand back in September and have had no significant change in the numbness in my fingers and now where the incision was is the muscles and tendons are really sore. I have a now 3 month old so I am sure that handling her and the carrying around the bucket car seat are not helping. I am scheduled to have the surgery on my left hand (I am left handed) this week and I am nervous that it may not help that hand either. Has anyone had any success with the surgery or know of any alternative methods that I should be trying in lieu of the surgery? Thanks for your help.

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answers from Austin on

Hi S.,
I often pray for others over the phone and they get healed. It's basic Christian prayer. Please feel free to e-mail me so I can give you my phone number.



answers from Austin on

Try getting a wrist brace to wear at night at least. I was having my fingers going to sleep and a doctor told me to wear it at night to keep my wrist from bending and it helped. Not sure how advanced your situation is but it sure helped me.



answers from Austin on

ACCUPUNCTURE! I had it pretty severe after the birth of my first and I started accupuncture 3 times a week when she was @ 4 mths old. After 6 weeks it was virtually gone and stayed gone for 9 mths. I stopped the accupuncture after the first 6 wks and believe if I had done periodic check ups it would've stayed gone.
P.S.The only recommendation they had for me was surgery originally



answers from Austin on

I was out of town on a funeral and just got this message.

First of all, look at the side effects of surgery, I have had friends that are worse off now after carpal tunnel surgery.

I had carpal tunnel for years, very painful, sometimes I could not even lift a cup of water.
Since I have been drinking xanthones (juice)my pain is gone, my carpal tunnel is gone and I fell great.
It helped me it might help you too.
Look into it.

email me tecuento123 at yahoo



answers from Austin on

Yes, Accupuncture.
I had great results and pain has not returned for over 3 years. It's worth a try before you resort to surgery.
good luck!


answers from Austin on

Hi S.:

I am stunned that your doctor advised you to have the surgery so soon after pregnancy. Stunned. I had a lot of swelling (aka: edema) in my feet and hands/wrist during late pregnancy and honestly, it didn't completely subside until 6-7 months after birth. If I remember correctly, my feet recovered long before my hands' carpal tunnel inflamation eased. My OB said it was normal and that it would eventually subside... Did you ask your OB about it?

I have seen a chiropractor in the past for carpal tunnel pain. It helped. Also, the way you hold your mouse and type at the computer can contribute to it. I use something like this ( to ease any carpal tunnel issues, as well as releive my shoulder from any pain (from holding my arm in the air "floating" with the mouse). Let me know if you want more info on exactly what product I use.

You really need to ice your wrists. I know, everyone hates ice but that is really the only thing to decrease swelling and inflamation. (Its only the first 5 minutes that suck! then your skin gets numb to it...) Don't take too much tylonal or advil for the pain, as that can cause intestinal ulcers with longterm daily use.

Wow, surgery is such a big step... I can give you a referral to my chiropractor if you want to try that before surgery. Let me know.



answers from Austin on

Hi S.-

My friend Ed was diagnosed with Carpal Tunnel years ago and since he in the computer field- this was terrifying ot him. We looked up some things and one study showed either a B12 or B6 deficiency can greatly aggrivate this problem. If you look this up you will see which one it is.

He took the right B vitamin and within a very short period of time said he felt almost all his symmptoms were resolved. Being a rather cynical guy he didn't think it would work- but it helped alot.

It's not enough to get a B stress vitamin- though that would help anyone in today's stressful world- you have to take the extra B6/12 by itself or in addition to the B complex.

It's almost like some people's bodies burn through it faster- especially those in fields where constant use of those body parts are involved. And I bet it would help the wrist you have already had surgery done on- or at minimum help protect it from further damage.

It's a very cheap fix and easy to try. I would give it at least 6 weeks of your time, taking it regularly following the labels' instructions. Go with a reputable brand- my preferences would be Twin Labs, the Whole Foods line or Solaray. If you pick a cheap drugstore brand you may not be getting what you are paying for.

And B vitamins are water soluable which means you can't overdose on them- your body just pees them out. You CAN'T get toxic on B6 OR B12, but your pee might look like it would glow in the

Naprosyn is also an anti-inflammatory (this is prescription though) for wrists/joints too so that might be an additionl help.

Good luck!



answers from Austin on

Try a chiropractor. I love mine--his name is Ron Burnett.

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