I am going to be the odd one here (I don't care if I get flamed or not), but here goes...I think you would be better off to see a physical therapist than a chiropractor.
If you must see a chiropractor, you should keep an eye on these red flags: If you have to keep going back to him/her every week for several months, they are obviously not being that effective and you need to see someone else (they may make you feel good for a short time after their manipulations, but if the pain comes back, they are not taking care of the problem long term). Another red flag is if all they do are manipulations and modalities (electrical stimulation, heat, ultrasound) and nothing else. A good practitioner should be showing you exercises to strengthen the core to help stabilize your low back tp prevent it from going out again and the pain returning. They should also be educating you on proper body mechanics (that is, proper ways to lift, get in and out of bed, do housework, etc, so that you don't re-injure your back.
Only the person who provides all these things will give you the most long term benefit.
(By the way, physical therapy is usually a covered medical expense, but chiropractic care is not...something else to keep in mind as well).
Good luck in your search