Can U Get Pregnant If U Haven't Had a Period nor Have U Ovulated?

Updated on May 02, 2007
D.E. asks from Copperas Cove, TX
8 answers

I am now 3 months late on my period. I am not pregnant, with all the hpt and blood test that my dr. did on me. We are not using anything in order to stop from getting pregnant. The dr. is doing a bunch of test on me to see why haven't I had a period in the last 3 months now.

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So What Happened?

I started taking birth control pills and that seems to be regulating my cycles and no I am not pregnant.

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answers from San Angelo on

i don't really have any help with this, but that happened to me too! I would get so upset that I wasn't having a period, but I wasn't pregant either. We got very lucky and I did get pregnant before the docter was going to start all the test stuff. Good luck and I hope everything works out.

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answers from Wichita Falls on

You might ask for an ultrasound, just to be sure... one friend of mine didn't produce enough HCG to show pregnant until she was almost six months - but she's weird. <g> You could also be going through 'the change' - it doesn't say how old you are, but premature ovarian failure can happen as early as the mid 20's, and that can lead to funky or absent periods. If you've just lost a lot of weight, cut down heavily on your calories, or significantly upped intense exercise, all of that can cause you to miss a period too.



answers from San Antonio on

Hi D.,
I have always had an unregular cycle. I would get 3-4 periods a year. I was told by my doctor that it could be many things. Change in diet, stress, getting older but all in all basically a hormone change. He did tell me that I could get pregnant w/ or w/o a regular cycle, it would just be harder w/ an unregular cycle. I was never careful w/ my first marriage (4yrs) and I never got pregnant. It wasnt until my new marriage to my husband that I got pregnant and by my surprise I was on the pill and had been for 2 years. I never missed a pill and was never late taking one and I had a regular cycle for those two years. So I guess either way w/ or w/o a regular cycle and on or off the pill you can still get pregnant. I hope this helps you a bit. Take Care.



answers from El Paso on

If you're not getting a period that doesn't mean you're not ovulating. But if you're not ovulating, that means you're not dropping eggs into your uterus, which means you can't get pregnant.



answers from San Antonio on

it is possible to get pregnate and not have a period...( I did not have a period in june, but didn't ovulate till july...and got pregnate then... a months worth of pergnancy tests...) it is not possible to get pregnate if you do not ovulate though. I pray that the dr finds the answer to what is going on with you soon...



answers from San Antonio on

I dunno why you are not preggie if your doc has done the tests....However ( big smile ). My first baby, I did not notice he was there till the fourth month when I looked at my toiletries and noticed I had not been buying stuff for m period. ( I was working and going to college at the time). Anyways so maybe test around the fourth month....also how old are you? I know sensetive subject but women as young as 30 sometimes start menopause....maybe another question to ask
Hope this was of some help



answers from Lubbock on

That happened to me too. About a year after I had my last daughter my period just stopped, and I wasnt pregnant. I hadnt had a period in 5 months and went to the clinic and they put me on birth control, after 2 months of taking them I finally started having one again. Now im afraid to stop because I dont know if I will still have a period if im not on them, I have been taking them for 2 yrs now. When I get my check up every yr everything is good, so im not sure what is going on.

Hopefully they find what ever is going on, and they will probably put you on birth control, unless you are wanting to get pregnant.


answers from San Antonio on

Sometimes that Uterus gets tilted, or blocked, Massage can help with this. I had a client who like you had not had a period in three months, she wasn't pregnant, and is only 44 yrs old. She thought she was going through menopause, until she got a Full Body massage from me. She called me 2 days later and said she started her period. If you would like to give massage a try, I have my service listed under Local Business. Good Luck and take care. A. Diaz LMT

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