Hi J.-Actually we have been so misinformed. Meats and cook foods have absolutely no nutrients that our body can utilize. I won't go into a long explanation you can feel free to contact me. I have been studying food, supplements and nutrition for 20+ years and was in the industry for 8 of those years.
We need to eat 65% of our food raw. Go to my blog and I have numerous awesome websites for vegetarians and vegans. Also www.allrecipes.com has great recipes as well.
This is a great website
Click on the raw food section (on my blog) and also under earthy products I have some really great sustainable farm websites amongst others.
A good read for you would be the pH balance by Drs. Young.
www.mercola.com also talks about the benefits and has some great books to order on the subject with recipes.
I have been truly vegan for over a year and prior to that strictly did organics (never red meat though) for 6 years. Right now we have never been more healthy!!
Good luck on your journey and please feel free to contact me with any further info.
I just found this!! How funny!!
Detox Coach