I pay my children to play well also. I do not give an allowance nor do I pay for chores. The only money my children earn is through the sports they play and report cards. This is their "job". We no longer play baseball, but for soccer and water polo I pay for a goal and an assist. I pay for an assist so that my children will look for who can make the best shot and not become a ball hog. We pay $1 for each. Remember, if you start out high and they get really good you could be forking out a lot per game. My husband also is allowed to fine them for poor sportsmanship and bad attitudes. With grades I pay $1 for a b+ or b and $3 per A on their report card. Straight A's earns you 2 extra dollars for an even $20 report card. However, I also fine you for grades below an 85.
-$1 for 80=84 and -$5 for 70-79
Children like to feel that they earn their money. We then encourage our children to do the following with the money they earn. 10% goes to church, 10% goes into their savings account, the rest can be spent, but I try to encourage them to decide on something they really want and save until they can afford it. I don't usually just give them the money, I keep a running tally on how much I owe them so that when they are ready to purchase something they have money.
It is a very good way to teach responsibility with money.