Cable/TV And Phone Services...Which One to Choose

Updated on June 13, 2009
J.L. asks from Casselberry, FL
5 answers

I wanted to see if anyone has Embarq for the phone, cable and internet? They are offering a great special and it is like almost $60 cheaper a month then Bright House. Before we change I wanted to see if anyone had any negative or positive feed back about Embarq. Bright House has become so expensive and we need to cut corners, but Bright House does not want to give credits or if you take something off then you lose a a package then it is more..Any imput on Embarq or even any other provider that is good would be great to hear about.

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answers from Miami on

Haven't used Embarq but I know a few email friends that do. I am also searching for a company other ATT, which is just too costly to keep. Hence, will view the responses and wish you the best in the meanwhile...S.



answers from Orlando on

Embarq has been great. We have them for home phone and internet. I begrudge paying $90 for both total and we only have a home phone for the purpose of calling family members in Europe. They come out right away when we have had problems with our internet connection. If they are offering a special definitely go for it. Good luck.
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answers from Pensacola on

if it cheaper and basically what you want and need. make the switch, a penny saved is a penny earned.



answers from Orlando on

Hello, I can recomend you to our new video phone company that we just started with, if you want to look at my website it
it offers, phone line, cell, home security and internet. The video phone is the best, you can have others in fl or anywhere and see them when you talk. Also if you are interrested in making good extra money then you can have your own ACN business. just give me a call and I would be happy to let you know more info. ###-###-####



answers from Orlando on

We don't have cable (just rabbit ears) but we have used Embarq for home phone and internet ever since they bought Sprint and Earthlink. I have had no problems.

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