I agree that it's good you have an appt tomorrow. I've had 3 c-sections and it doesn't sound normal to me. Best to have it looked at.
I am now 10 weeks pregnant and starting to show already. My clothes are getting tighter and I feel very uncomfortable. My question is this.... My c-section scar actually hurts. It is split open and when I take a shower it burns like a cut. What I want to know is, is this normal? Has anyone else had this happen? I am wondering if this is because of my tummy stretching and it's pulling at the scar. I have an appointment with my OB tomorrow but I just wanted to get some opinions. Thanx!
For those of you asking.... I had my first c-section 3 years ago and it is a bikini cut. It was necessary for me to have one because I was not dilating and I was loosing too much fluid.
Went to my OB yesterday. Told me that is totally normal because my uterus is growing and that it could happen. Told me to keep an ointment on it and he also asked me if I burned myself. Told him no and he said it almost looks like a burn. He told me that they would keep an eye on it. It is not the whole scar just a part of it. When I had my first C done the staples on one side hurt really bad. Kind of like they were pinching. I couldn't wait to get the staples out so it would stop hurting. My ob told me that when we do the second C he will fix that part of the scar. It healed too far apart and that is probably why it is pulling. I wanted this dr to begin with and was scheduled to have him but I was loosing too much fluid and they made me go in the next day and I got a different dr and I really don't care for him too much, but what choice did I have? He was the one that was on call that day. Thank you all for your opinions and it is feeling better.
I agree that it's good you have an appt tomorrow. I've had 3 c-sections and it doesn't sound normal to me. Best to have it looked at.
I'm glad you have an appointment b/c that doesn't sound normal. I had two c-sections and this did not happen to me. The fact that it's split open is a concern. I'm sure it's going to be okay, but I would most definitely have it looked at!
I agree with all the ladies below, please have it checked out. I had 2 c-sections (both planned), 33 months apart and had no problems during my second pregnancy or delivery, unfortunately I had a staff infection after the second c-section, but that was unrelated to the fact that it was a second c-section.
Nope- not normal! Call your OB. How far apart are you babies? I had a c-section about 20 mos before I got prego with this one with no problems -- no pulling, no pain, no splitting. I know others who have had c-sections closer and never heard of anything like that. Good luck!
It shoudln't hurt like you're saying...Glad you are going to have it checked out.....I had three C's and never had that problem.
No, this is not normal. Get to a doctor ASAP. The scar should be holding. Mine was fine until the 38th week when I started to feel discomfort.
No this is not normal. You can get some cream to rub on you stomach or take homeopathic Staphsagria to make the scar go away.
Is this the same OB who did your C section? Why did he not do a bikini cut. That is what's called for. You'd never have trouble with a bikini cut.
Almost 40% of all women get C sections which is excessive and uncalled for.
I'd look for a new OB.
And for those of you who haven't been ruined by your doctor yet. Go get a midwife. Your birth will go ever so much better. And you will be at home rather than in the hostile hospital atmosphere.
i had 2 c-secs, 3 years apart and no problems with the incision area. get it checked out~ good luck!
I wouldn't say that it's normal, but I'm not sure what the doctor can do about it either. My scar tore after I had my 2nd son & it hurt real bad for a couple of weeks. The doctor wouldn't restitch it due to risk of infection. He told me it was better to let it heal back on its own & just instructed me to take it easy, put alcohol on it everyday & make sure I completely dried off after bathing. I also covered the scar with a pad to prevent friction from clothing because that's what bothered it the most.
Yikes - how horrible for you.
I hope you feel better quickly. And let us know what happens, please!