I had my c-section a year ago and I still can't hit many serves in tennis without doubling over in pain from the scar tissue.
My OB told me that massaging the incision area once the skin's healed completely helps with the pain and the stretching pain as you're working the scar tissue in a way that will stretch it out and not cause so many problems. She related it to women who have mascetomies and are urged to get many deep tissue massages to relieve the scar tissue pain.
If you're not too far out from the surgery you may want to put a call into the doc to make sure nothing herniated. I had to do that and that's when I got the massage advice once she knew I wasn't having a more serious problem.
I still get some pain even today (and I'm still getting ghost kicks, which is a little freaky) but it's not bad - simply annoying. Try advil or another NSAID to help with inflamation and maybe massage.
I hope you feel better soon!