Congratulations! I had an unplanned C-Section but was 12 days late and could care less how this baby girl came out! I was pleasantly surprised at how tolerable the pain was. so much so, that I forgot I had control of the pain medication release. It is painful to cough/laugh, but I think the endorphines kick in when laughing that it is bearable. I also found it extrememly helpful that I got out of bed very early the next day...much to the nurses dismay as I did it alone. Accept as much help as possible and warm showers work wonders. Bowel movements went well because i took Mylicon gas tablets on a schedule and milk of magnesia as a stool softener. In 9 days, I was back to normal movement with discomfort. It is different for everyone, but I do believe the images we conjure in our heads are alot worse than reality. Have a blast with the baby and enjoy your extended hospital stay.