BV Question

Updated on October 18, 2010
J.W. asks from Larkspur, CA
10 answers

Does anyone have a successful treatment, or better yet a way to prevent recurring, BV (bacterial vaginosis)? My doctor says it has a very high rate of recurrence, especially just before your period. He says to use a little of the rx just before my period. Problem is my periods are no longer regular, so that makes it tough. I was thinking lactobaccillis (sp?) daily to regulate everything. I hate using the gel and/or meds so often, so I am looking for something else if available.

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answers from Kansas City on

My doctor asked me once, when I had what she called a bacterial infection, was whether I had changed soaps, laundry or otherwise. I thought back and remembered changing laundry soaps for a short time. You might think about using a laundry soap free of additives see if this helps.

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answers from Boston on

Thanks for your question. I am 49 and have noticed itching but no smell about 3-5 days before my period. I have been using just anti-itch cream since the actual period seems to clear it up. It is a change in hormones and perhaps temperatures before the cycle, and may not even truly be any kind of "infection" just normal discharge. I am going to buy Kefir (yogurt type drink) to add some probiotics to my diet. At home I sometimes just put a cold pack in my crotch to stop the itching. Good luck, it feels to awful to be itchy there.


answers from Chicago on

Currently eperiencing my first ... and I find that ithelps with th odor to take a bakingsoda bath, just warm water and bakingsoda, i use about 1/4 cup soak legs open then I air dry while lying on the bed, checking emails, watching news ... whatever but I find the day goes less smelly when I do this vs a shower.


answers from Erie on

I second the baking soda baths, they help tremendously.



answers from San Francisco on

Not to disregard what the other person said, but the only problem with "yakult" is that it is full of sugar, and bacteria loves sugar. Yakult defeats the purpose of getting rid of the bacteria by all the sugar it has in it. Your best bet is to eat plain yogurt (boring yes, but that is better than all the sugar).

According to Dr. Andrew Weil, he says to eliminate sugar from your diet and add some raw garlic, a potent antifungal and antibacterial agent. As an alternative to antibiotics, he also recommends using tea tree oil suppositories or douche with tea tree oil. Make a 10 percent solution (about one and a half tablespoons of tea tree oil to a cup of warm water). Discontinue if you find that this treatment causes irritation.

Regarding probiotics, the best products on the market contain a new strain, Lactobacillus GG, that has been shown to get into the intestinal tract when you swallow it. The brand, Culturelle, has this particular strain. You can find it at CVS, Walgreens, etc. I am not a doctor, but I have been studying health my whole life. I hope this helps!!!


answers from Modesto on

start drinking yakult every day. They are by the yogurt. One little bottle every night before bed. Where cotton panties, not thongs! Make sure you pee after sex and wipe down the area with at least a babywipe after doing the deed. You hafta stay clean and dry down there as much as possible. The yakult is a probiotic and will help with yourph levels and it tastes good and is an easy cure all for many things. Go get some today!



answers from San Francisco on

I believe this is caused by a flucation in your body's ph balance. This happens to many women right before their period. Once the period arrives, there is ususally relief. Probiotics would probably help. I think an actual probiotic supplement would be great...even something more potent than Yakult or yogurt.



answers from San Francisco on

Has your physician considered treating your sexual partner with antibiotics? BV can be sexually transmitted; it is possible your partner is "re-infecting" you, even if they have no symptoms.



answers from San Francisco on

Using Rx medications usually end up completely elimainating all GOOD and bad bacteria in your body, which will make the bacteria come back 3 fold. A way of balancing the pH and bacteria in your system is to use PLAIN yogurt, put it on a tampon, insert and then remove after a few minutes.
The probiotic in the yogurt helps to directly balance enverything inside and you can use it at anytime with no worries of disrupting your system, so it doesn't necessarily need to be done just before your period. Also taking a good full spectrum probiotic also helps to relieve the issue from the other end. Take one everyday and your system should clear up after a few weeks. I've recommended this to my patients, and its help tremendously for them and myself. And cotton only undies help too! Good luck.



answers from Redding on

My sister's doctor told her to remember, without fail, to urinate each and every time immediately after intercourse,. It helped keep her infections down immensely.

Worth a try.

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