Hi. My name is J. Ferguson. I am 45 years old, and I know sometimes healing takes longer than it used to, but it sounds like it's something more. I always keep my ears open about medical stuff and possible causes for things and solutions. You may want to ask the pharmacist about your HBP meds and the possible side effects. If that is the cause, see if it can be changed. Blood pressure medication tends to give a lot of people a variation of problems. I know a teacher who started taking some new BP meds. She had constant headaches and nausea for months until she got it changed. Her dr. changed it and now watches more carefully what he gives her. Anyway, start there. If it's not your meds, maybe you can ask your doctor to test you for either diabetes (God forbid) or to see how thin your blood is. Good luck. Let me know what you find out.