Not much is required for a bridging ceremony. It is basically left up to the troop. Our girls do a small flag ceremony, sing a couple of songs and then do the actual bridge. Our council has a bridge that we can use, so call your council. We had the all of the girls stand on the "Brownie side" of the bridge and the girls who were actully bridging would take off their vest and hand it to those girls. Their mom/dad waited on the other side of the bridge and handed them their new vest/sash as they came over the bridge. Then they shook hands (GS handshake) with the leader and co leader, then much cheering and hugging and of course pictures and some tears from moms! Some troops use this time to hand out badges earned also. We give out badges as they earn them, so it shortens our ceremony tremendously! We have refreshments and that's the end. Not every troop has access to a bridge, so you can use a pretend one, make one, or like others have mentioned, go some place with one. This is your ceremony so make is something special for the girls involved. We only had two girls bridge last year, my daughter and her best friend, so we didn't have a big to do, but next year we'll have about 6 girls bridging, basically the rest of the troop, so we'll have a big deal then. If the whole troop is bridging, it's definitely cause for celebration. Good luck and have fun.