Talk to the hospital. My sister's son was born 7 weeks early and she pumped for him. She said they were good in getting her started, but nobody (and I feel badly here because I thought she knew) told her that her oversupply in the beginning would even out so initially she was tossing milk vs freezing it. If you find you have a lot of milk that isn't used in a couple of days, freeze it. In the deep freeze it can last you 6 months and you can supplement from the freezer vs having to find a formula baby can tolerate. My sister had to use some very expensive formula for a little bit (not that formula is cheap!) because he was so sensitive. Babies naturally nurse about every 2 hours, so I'd pump every 2 hours. I stored most of my milk (if it was going to be used within 5 days) in the bottles. Medela makes bottles and also fits Evanflo or Gerber (cheaper). If you pump to a bottle, it's more accurate. Always note the amount before freezing and try to use what you can before it needs to be frozen. I liked the sticker on the Medela baggies that held it to the pump, but honestly Lanisoh worked fine, too, and I only kept the Medelas on hand when I needed an emergency container.
If you have a Medela, they're pretty good. I used a PISA for a year. Once she is born, try it to see if you need a different pump or if the Medela does it for you. Get measured for the right sized "horns" - it can make a huge difference. I started being rubbed raw and the LC said it was the horn size. Went up a size and ta da! My output increased.
Hang in there, get local support from someone who knows about preemies, and try not to get frustrated with little setbacks. My nephew is 8 mo. old (6ish developmentally) and my sister sometimes uses a nipple shield to nurse, but he does nurse for some of his feeds.
I'm laughing a little here b/c my sister is a big planner, too, and her son has laughed at all her plans. Plan for him to be home in 4 weeks? Nope! Let's go for three. Plan for him to be a girl. Ha ha again! Etc. I'm hoping the same for you. Plan for the NICU? Maybe not! Good luck to you and your little one.
kellymom.com is also a good resource. Oh, and depending on the NICU setup, you might want a small cooler and some flexible ice packs for transport from home. I suggest a hard sided cooler like an Igloo.