I just went through a decreasing supply. La Leche League has a wonderful helpline 1-877-4-LALECHE (1-877-452-5324).
Another place that was helpful: http://www.breastfeedingbasics.com/html/increasing.shtml
First: The more you feed from the breast, the more you will supply from the breast. No doubt you can replace formula, just add pumping to your ritual.
Water is your drink of choice, but anything will do. That being said, is there something in your diet your daughter objects to? My son would not nurse after the (one) time I had broccoli. He was hungry! It is hard isolating things that your child may not like in your diet (and takes a bit of time eliminating things too, not to mention you can go crazy with a bland diet! :) Cruciferous vegetables, garlic, all types of onions, for a long time (over 7 months) were things I couldn't eat.
If you don't have any problems lactating, I don't think you need to be taking anything to increase your supply.
Getting your daughter interested may take some more creativity on your part. Talk to her, softly, make it a one-on-one time that is quiet, non-distracting, safe, something you both look forward to. Sit, offer her what you wish her to feed from, and work through this together.
Another thought came to mind: do you wear perfume? perfumed deodorant? Hairspray? conditioner/shampoo? She may object to the scent of any one of these things. I have a perfumed soap that my son objects to.
Same would go for your clothes, or the place where you nurse - are there scented distractions that may detract from the viability of nursing her?
Oh, and the biggest thing that helps the most, nursing or pumping, RELAX!
So, I'm sure you have a lot of responses by now, and wish you good luck with your quest.