This one should be easy for you - go to www.kellymom.com and read all of it but most especially preparing to breastfeed. Consider going to a breastfeeding class and take your PARTNER with you.
In order to promote immediate latching, have the baby put on you right after birth. Do this whether birth is vaginal or c-section. My second nursed on the table while the doctor stitched me after my CBAC. Ask for help latching and definately have a private lactation consultant or friend who has lots of experience in nursing (my best friend had nursed 5!) on hand to help you the day that your baby is born, preferrably in the first couple of hours if you need help. Then make sure baby nurses every hour and a half to two hours for the first two weeks. Put baby to your breast before baby begins to do hunger cues so that you have time to get a good latch before baby becomes frustrated or tired.
I had trouble with my first baby but nursed my second to 14 months and it was a wonderful experience. He is now 20 months and I still miss it - but he weaned himself.
Good luck! Remember, unless you have a very traumatic birth or have had breast surgery previously, you shouldn't have a supply issue. C.