The only time I had a lot of pain was with my last... he was a great nurser & did love to "eat". The issue that I had with him was usually clogged ducks... which can be extreamly painful. If this is the issue - I was told to put the babies chin where the duck was clogged (where the pain is) and let them nurse as much as you can. Since where the chin is is where they have the most power, to helps to heal it up faster.
My issue was usually under the breast - which ment I had to lay on the bed & have him lay next to me to nurse. I didn't much like this way, but it did help & I'd usually be healed up in a few days. We went through this about 4 times in the 10 months he nursed.
Have you tried different positions with her to see if that would help any... maybe you would find a way that is less painful for you.
I wish you luck!!