I am 26 years old and my son will be four-months old on July 30th. I knew when we were trying to conceive that I wanted to breastfeed and I also knew that not everyone would agree with my decision. All of my friends kids were bottle babies and my mother did not approve of nursing. I knew that breastmilk was best for my son however and I was determined to try nursing.
I hemorraged a little after delivery so I was unable to nurse right in the delivery room (something I want to do next time if possible). I told the nurses I did not want my son to be given any bottles of formula or sugar water, but he could have a soothie (pacifier) if they felt he needed it. Unfortunately this request led the nurses in the nursery to think that he was fed in the delivery room and I was not able to feed my son until he was 8-hours old when they FINALLY brought him in to me.
My son would not latch at all when I tried to feed him and I was very concerned we would not be able to nurse. Luckily the nurses at the hospital were very supportive. After seeing that the latching was not going to happen, they showed me how to use a nipple shield. For those who don't know what that is, it is a thin plastic bottle nipple shaped shield that you put over your own nipple. The baby can latch better onto it while still getting the feel of the breast in his mouth. After that we did alright.
It took a while for my milk to come in and my son lost over a pound in his first week. We were scheduled to see his lactation consultant at his pediatrician every other day until he gained, which he did after a week and with gusto.
Our son needed the nipple shield until he was about 2 1/2 months old. I was worried he would need it the whole time, but every day I would offer him the breast without it and one day he just latched normally.
He is now about 17 pounds (he was 8 pounds 3 ounces at birth) and thriving!