So That's What They're For by Janet Tamaro.
It's very informative and manages to be entertaining as well. I highly recommend it!!!
I am pregnant with my second and I am planning on breastfeeding this time around. I didn't with my first, so I know NOTHING about breastfeeding! I am looking thru books online and there are just so many to choose from! I've gotten a couple from the library to look thru, but I would like some other opinions. Which book did you like?
So That's What They're For by Janet Tamaro.
It's very informative and manages to be entertaining as well. I highly recommend it!!!
I had on the job training and boy, did I wish I had read the copy of The Womanly Art of Breastfeeding my sister had sent me when I was pregnant! It at least would have prepared me to know somewhat to expect.
Best book EVER to give you a great start is by far: http://www.amazon.com/So-Thats-What-Theyre-Breastfeeding/...
This book is full of great info and reads like a novel. So funny!
The other books recommended are great too, but they function more as reference guides. Sitting down and reading them cover to cover could be a bit boring. My opinion, of course. ;)
I also highly recommend getting connected to your local LLL group before baby's arrival.
My favorite 2 are
The Breastfeeding Book by Dr Sears http://www.amazon.com/Breastfeeding-Book-Everything-Nursi...
The Womanly Art of Breastfeeding by La Leche League http://www.amazon.com/Womanly-Breastfeeding-Leche-League-...
My favorite websites are
Kellymom http://kellymom.com/
La Leche League http://www.llli.org/
How many are you interested in as I can recommend a few others but I don't want o overwhelm nor do I want to break your bank with an absurd amount of books like I have LOL
La Leche League is also a wonderful organization of ladies that are the most helpful! They have local chapters so you may want to look into where your local one is. They welcome mother's to be to their meetings to learn about breastfeeding before baby comes and are wonderful once the baby is here. They helped me soooo much with my first! They also have a bookstore on their website that lists some wonderful books that you can browse through to see some of the other really good ones.
I wish you all the best of luck! Congratulations on you upcoming baby!
I didn't read any books or take any classes prior. Kinda like BD posted, I had on the job training. :) To be really successful, make sure your husband is on board. You will need a support system to encourage you to keep going in the beginning. Take all the help and advice you can from the nurses and lactation consultant in the hospital, and don't hesitate to call them once you're home.
I had more on the job training ;-)
Make sure you request a lactation consultant in the hospital. Once you are discharged they typically have a hotline that you can call if you run into a problem. Our county has a hotline as well.
Find a local La Leche League, they are amazing! So much better than any book because they will physically sit with you and help you figure out how to get your baby to eat! They can help with latch, diff feeding positions, increasing milk supply, and helping figure out how to pump if you have to work. I love my La Leche League meetings.
the nurses and lcs in the hospital helped the most. and i had a lot of trouble getting started, and most of them couldnt help me, and finally one nurse just knew what to do. and another nurse told me to drink tons more water and the combo did it.... and with my youngest, my 3rd, i had a horrible time, bad latch, and the videos on jack newmans website, assymetrical latch, did it for us, so easy. it just depends. but its nice to have a reference book. also, the girlfriends guide book helped me a lot in lots of ways, lots of the things i was feeling and thinking.... good luck!
I would recommend that you find a LaLeche league in your area. I am not sure that any book can get you ready for real life. LaLeche League is a place where breastfeeding moms come and support each other. I learned the MOST at their meetings. Good luck!
Like some of the other replies, I recommend going to a class, then using the lactation consultants at the hospital. I delivered at Abbott and their breastfeeding class was wonderful.
Womanly Art of Breastfeeding!
La Leche League publishes "The Womanly Art of Breastfeeding." The most current edition was published in 2010 so it's fully up-to-date. I love it!
Like others have said, find a local LLL meeting to attend. It's the best thing I ever did for myself and my sons! Go to llli.org and see if there's one near you.
Kellymom.com also has great info for solving any nursing problems.
La Leche League publishes "The Womanly Art of Breastfeeding." The most current edition was published in 2010 so it's fully up-to-date. I love it!
Like others have said, find a local LLL meeting to attend. It's the best thing I ever did for myself and my sons! Go to llli.org and see if there's one near you.
Kellymom.com also has great info for solving any nursing problems.
La Leche League publishes "The Womanly Art of Breastfeeding." The most current edition was published in 2010 so it's fully up-to-date. I love it!
Like others have said, find a local LLL meeting to attend. It's the best thing I ever did for myself and my sons! Go to llli.org and see if there's one near you.
Kellymom.com also has great info for solving any nursing problems.
I'd skip books for now and look up the local Le Leche League chapter to sit in on. It's free to go and you meet so many Moms who have varying degrees of experience, as well as being able to hear how other Moms are doing, and what kind of advice they are given.
Websites that are great with info are:
I really like Breastfeeding Made Simple by Morhbacher and Kendall-Tackett. It's a quick and easy ready but really informative and very, very positive in nature. It doesn't focus on all the things that could go wrong but instead takes the point of view that most women can nurse successfully and any roadblock can be overcome. I give it to all my pregnant friends.
The Breastfeeding Book by Dr Sears
Honestly, see if your hospital has a class. I got so much out of the one ours has. There was so much information at first, but it was definitely worth it. So much more helpful than the books I looked at.
The breastfeeding book. If I still have my copy, I can send it to you. Just let me know if you are interested.
The Womanly Art of Breastfeeding by Le Leche League.
I know it has a corny title but it is HANDS DOWN the bible of nursing!
I also read So That's What They're For, and enjoyed it. I would recommend reading before the baby is born -- I did it during (while breastfeeding, usually:), but would have preferred to have read it prior. One thing to keep in mind -- almost every mom I've know had some "problem" breastfeeding. The beginning can be a bit rough, but after a few weeks it gets much, much easier.