Hi A.,
I am the mother of 3 children that range from age 6 to age 25. I nursed all three and am proud to have had that opportunity.
Each child was different. The first I nursed for less than a year. I only had 4 weeks at home with him and had to return to work. I tried pumping while at work and freezing the milk. This was hard work for me and I was only 23 at the time. I finally gave up but felt he had gotten plenty of breast milk to serve him some good.
The second child was a breeze. I was a stay at home mom then and had had the expierence of the first. I joined the "Leche League" and met with other nursing mothers. It was a wonderful expierence for me and the child. I nursed him for two years. I had to wheen us both. This child is very close to me and I believe the nursing had something to do with it.
My third child who is 6 now only nursed for 5 months. I stayed home for 3 months before I had to go to work. At work I pumped my breast and refrigerated the milk so that her caregiver could give her breast milk when I was gone. The woman that cared for her made it very difficult for my daughter to want breastmilk. She would offer her formula before I got home and the baby would not want to nurse. After 5 months I gave up.
I truely believe in breast milk. I am a laboratory technologist I have analyzed breast milk under the microscope and it is mostly white cells. That is how our body fights infections. There is no way possible that the formula manufacturers could duplicate white cells. If you can stick to it try. If you are having issues call La Leche League they will help you.
Good Luck.