Why do you think you have a low supply? If she is thriving and you have been exclusively nursing with no supplemental formula then you have a great supply! Do you think you have a low supply because you aren't able to pump a lot? That is very normal! If that is the case, you need to understand that your baby is much, much more efficient at nursing and getting milk than a pump ever will be. Some moms have a harder time pumping than others. You only have a couple of months left. Don't feel defeated now. Do you need to pump to give her milk while you are at work? You can work around that if that's the case. You could nurse her in the am, she can have other things to drink during the day and make up for it in the evening and at night. Or you could rent a hospital grade pump for these last couple of months and try that. Also, try giving her some expressed milk in a sippy. Forget the bottle at this stage. Take the spout out of the sippy and put just a tiny amount of milk in it so she understands that good stuff comes out of it. Once she "gets" that then you replace the spout.