Hi A.---From what I am learning in a series of Wellness classes offered by a naturopath with a PhD in nutrition, I would recommend you concentrate on the totality of your diet, making sure you are eating mostly fruits, veggies, whole grains and legumes. Use animal proteins sparingly, like a condiment or a flavoring for soups or stews. You will need more calories as a breast feeding mom, but the ratio of carbs to proteins to fats should stay the same. So you really don't need to increase protein consumption to help make more breast milk. Our diet, optimally, should consist of 90% fruits, veggies, grains, legumes, seeds and nuts. Our fat intake should be much less than the recommended 30%. 20% is healthier and research shows that it should be no more than 10-15% if trying to reverse degenerative disease.
Too much animal protein actually increases the risk for degenerative disease like heart disease, cancer, diabetes and autoimmune disorders, so I ask you to do some research on the subject. If you are interested, you should read the book, The China Study, by T. Colin Campbell. This 20 year study showed a direct correlation between animal food consumption and rates of disease in rural China. It is scary.
When you make sure that you get an adequate supply of good healthy food, every organ system in your body will work at peak efficiency. Unless you are told that your daughter is failing to thrive, I wouldn't worry about it too much beyond making sure your diet is as healthy as it can be. And be sure to eliminate foods that don't contribute to optimal health, so as not to negate what you are doing in terms of eating healthy.
If I can be of any further help in helping to help explain this post or learn more about optimal health, feel free to contact me at any time. I am passionate about helping others to learn how to be healthier, particurly since there is so much misinformation out there that can actually harm us.
Good luck and blessings to your family. In health, D.