Looks like most everyone agrees, Medela pump in style is the best! I finally got one after my third child was born, so I have tried a few. Dont waste your money on a $50.00 pump from Walmart or such. I used a manual pump from the nursing store at the hospital and it worked fine but took about 10 min to pump each side and of course it is a lot more work. The electric one I bought at Walmart was ridiculous, it had hardly any suction and was really hard to use. The Medela is a dream. It pumps both sides at the same time in less than 10 min, is really quiet, easy to use, comfortable, and comes in a black tote. It is expensive but worth it. PLUS you may be able to have your insurance cover most of it. Check to see if they cover breast pumps, and if so, have your OBGYN write you a prescription for one, then all you have to do is go pick it up at the medical supply store. I think I paid $45 for mine since my insurance covered the rest.