Breast Milk Drying Up - North Augusta,SC

Updated on August 25, 2010
A.B. asks from North Augusta, SC
8 answers

I am pretty sure my milk supply is starting to dwindle..but I am not sure why I have supplemented only a little in the evenings to replace a solid feeding because he was getting so backed up and only for a few days. The other night my husband had to give him a bottle so that was 12 hours without nursing but that was only once and holy engorgment!!!!! My little guy is very enthusiastic about beverages in any container and gets excited about his bottle. I was also giving him 2 ounces of pear juice and water to help with the do I go with it and start weening??? or do I fight to keep us going until he has teeth? I am also not interested in having a baby who sticks his hand down my shirt in public because he is hungry...not supposed to come off as rude to those who are fine with the previous's just not for me.

I don't know what to do!!! advice???

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answers from Grand Rapids on

How old is baby?
I would try to keep nursing and stop supplimenting altogether. I always felt like I was drying up, but my babies were always full and satisfied except during growth spurts of course! But God designed our bodies so wonderfully that when that happens we make more milk!
BUT if you are in fact drying up, you can tell by a baby that is not getting enough to eat. Less wet/poopy diapers, very fussy and not gaining weight.

Oh, and the hand down shirt in public? I have 4 kids and only my daughter has really done that, and it was a comfort thing (that I stopped out of embarrassment) for her AFTER I weaned her...

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answers from Washington DC on

I found for me it was very easy to mess up my supply with occassional skipping or supplementing. But you can get back to where you were. DRINK LOTS OF WATER!!! Take a nap. Don't supplement for a few days. Pump after you nurse. And in a day or two your supply will be normal. However, keep in mind that as your child takes more solids/tablefood, your supply will reduce downward - as it should. If you want to maintain the supply to bottle feed, you should keep pumping. I nursed one of my children for 18 months and there is a huge difference between 4 motnsh and 189 months in terms of supply (8 feedings verus 1 or 2).



answers from Atlanta on

My supply has always been up and down, but it always comes back with increased demand. Either feed your baby more or pump. Whether you keep nursing or start to wean....that's up to you. How old is he? I hope to make it to a year again, this is my second. My first got VERY constipated when we started solid foods. Go easy on the banana's and cheese and yogurt! We added a tsp of ground flaxseed every day to her yogurt or applesauce and that keeps her going. She is 28 months and still has it every morning. good luck



answers from Hartford on

I have a sensitive milk supply - it drops if I don't nurse for over six hours. When I can't nurse (ie: baby is asleep), I manually express in a sink or pump. When my supply drops for this reason, it often takes about a week to return...but it does return with consistent and frequent nursing. If my supply drops due to infrequent nursing, I can usually boost it back up in 2-4 days. BTW breast milk is great for constipation (hence the runny bf poo). Also, I don't know how old your baby is - mine is 14 months and he just started putting his hand down my shirt this month, but he isn't really asking to nurse, he's just playing.



answers from Philadelphia on

You don't say how old he is? My daughter weaned herself at 18 months. It was the right time for her and she did it on her own. When were actively nursing sometimes I would feel like my supply was low. I would just drink a ton and try to nurse more to build it up.

Good luck with whatever you decide.



answers from Columbus on

Hi A.,

Why do you think your supply is starting to dwindle? If it is in relation to pumping, the amount you are able to pump isn't the same amount that your baby is getting. Just FYI.

This decision is completely up to you! Do whatever feels right.



answers from Kansas City on

Breast milk a "supply = demand" thing. If you don't nurse, it will dwindle. Try to NOT suppliment for several days (or ever). Breastmilk is the only thing babies need for the first year, but you can start other foods as early as 6 months; however, it is best to hold off as long as possible for the healthiest digestive system. IF your baby is under a year old PLEASE DO NOT give him water!! It is harmful for them - imbalances electrolytes - could be deadly.

Important point: breastmilk has a natural, safe laxitive effect. I have never heard of a breastfed baby having constipation! (YOU) Drink plenty of water, juice, or Mother's Milk tea (found in health food section or store) and eat some oatmeal.



answers from Atlanta on

It doesn't sound like you are drying up, unless you are seeing less in pumping? If you are engorged, then express or pump, or nurse more? Drink over a gallon of water a day (you need almost half of that just for you, and half for milkfluid production), eat more protein and nurse in areas that are soothing for your child to latch and zone. If you see less in pumping, same diet and atmosphere (dark, quiet, nondistracting), lean over the pump to get gravity working for you, and "almost-self-express" to get your ducts flowing down better.

I nursed my 2 for around 13 mos, full time working and pumping, and am so proud to have worked through troubles as they arose:) Never had the hand-down-shirt, I was very modest about nursing in public, never did any of that, and they both self-weaned thank goodness:)

Good luck and great patience to you!

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