From askdrsears.com
If your child is experiencing colic, it may be due to something in your diet that is passing through the breastmilk. Here is a list of foods that may be the culprit. You can eliminate all foods at once or just a few at a time, depending on how severe the colic is. It sometimes takes up to two weeks for a food to get out of your system, so be patient. Good luck!
* Dairy products
* Caffeine – coffee, tea, soda
* Soy products
* Peanuts
* Shellfish
* Chocolate (sorry!)
* Citrus fruits
* Wheat
* Chicken
* Beef
* Eggs
* Nuts
* Corn
* Prenatal vitamins (The iron may be irritating to baby. Ask your OB for an alternative if this is the culprit.)
* Gassy vegetables:
o Broccoli
o Cauliflower
o Cabbage
o Onions
o Green peppers
o Tomatoes