Just off hand I wonder if you are feeling a strong let down. I could always count on a lot more movements and frustration when the baby was not getting enough. Good luck to you!!
my baby will only nurse for five to ten minutes and then he clamps down on my nipple when he's nursing
Just off hand I wonder if you are feeling a strong let down. I could always count on a lot more movements and frustration when the baby was not getting enough. Good luck to you!!
Well what do you really mean? Like he bites down and then stops nursing or does he do some tugging but then continues to nurse? Cause my first daughter was like a speed nurser haha as she got older she would only nurse on both sides for about 3 to 5 minutes so it took less than 10 minutes for a complete nursing session. And she was a super fat baby. But I always fed her on demand so she could always get more in 2 hours or whenever she was hungry again. So he might just be done after 5 minutes of nursing. As long as he seems satisfied and isn't crying when he is done then he got enough. And just feed him on demand so he can have more later. You might just not be making very much milk after 5 minutes so he is just clamping down as a sign he is done.
My son takes about that amount of time to eat too. He is 10months and was ebf for the first 6...he is a moose! So unless he is fussy after then I wouldn't worry about the amount of time.
Two thoughts came to mind. You may be out of milk and he's frustrated. If that's it, you can wait 20 minutes and nurse some more.
My other thought is maybe baby has reflux and it's just hurting too much to eat. I've had kids bite for both those reasons. The two with reflux were really bad about clamping down.
I hope you get it figured out and things go more smoothly!
How old is your baby? Do you still seem to have a lot of milk at that point? If not, he may still be hungry and is biting you because he is frustrated switch sides at that point. Or, like others have said, could be a flow issue. When you first begin, the milk comes out more slowly. As your milk let's down, it will come much more strongly and fast. My sons used to choke at this point and often pull away and cry but I have heard some who would say they would clamp down at the same point. When you feel your milk let down, maybe pull him off for a second, wait a few seconds then re-latch. The milk won't be coming as forcefully at that point. Don't allow hi to clamp down though, break his seal with your finger and pull him off. Otherwise you will get frustrated and sore!
Is he a newborn? Have you had a chance to see a lactation colsultant or a lactation educstor? You can call your local La Leche League for help. Or WIC. As for the clamping down thing, it may be because he does not have enough of the breast in his mouth and it is getting away from him. When he latches on make sure he gets allof the nipple plus all or most of the areola (the darker skin around the nipple) into his mouth. Get help from a lalcation consultant though, she can tell you for sure what you need to do. Good luck!
another thought could be that you have a forceful flow... My DD used to do the same thing. It's like she was trying to slow down the milk coming out because she couldn't keep up with hit.