all of mine within 5 minutes of each other. I think the most important time is to have it done first before babies first bath! You want to associate the familiar smell with feedings.
How soon after delivery did you breastfeed your baby for the first time?
all of mine within 5 minutes of each other. I think the most important time is to have it done first before babies first bath! You want to associate the familiar smell with feedings.
Right after he was born, before he was washed or weighed or anything. He came out, the midwife handed him to me. The toweled him off while he was on my chest, then tucked him into the stretchy band thing that was holding the monitor on my belly.
As soon as she arrived into the world. Put them on the breast immediately when they are the most alert, which is right after birth :)
About an hour later. They had to do some testing and extra stuff on him. I also had to be "stiched back together like a quilt"-my husband's quote.
By then everybody was gone and it was nice and quiet. He was a BREASTFEEDING champ.
Within minutes. They cleaned him up, took apgar, applied eye ointment, then let me have him for a cuddle and a feed b/f they took him to the nursery to see if he could maintain his temp.
He rooted and "fed" fine that first time. Next few attempts were awkward. Both of us got the hang of it before being discharged.
Pretty quickly with both my first and second babies. They were both vaginal births, one at home, one at the hospital. Within minutes, before they do all the measuring and whatnot but obviously after I delivered the placenta/checked for tears and got into a comfortable position in bed.
It was over an hour after my first birth (which was cesarean). The second birth was just a few minutes. She was born in a clinic, and I was on the floor, so once they helped me to the bed. They put her on my belly and she wiggled her way to my breat - it was amazing! I nursed her while I delivered the placenta and the midwife sewed up my tear. She nursed on the right side for like an hour and then switched to the left side (but really she fell asleep there).
With my youngest, I was able to right away. She came out, they cut the cord & I was able to feed her! With my middle, she came out, cut the cord & got cleaned up, and then I was able to nurse her. So, basically within about 10-15min with each!
Soon as they gave them to me.
its better if your baby can have your first milk.. colostrum thats rich in everything your baby needs...
I fed my babies right after birth, dirty and all. After the baby nursed then they cleaned him/her up. Nursing didn't last long though because I threw up terribly with all of my births.
I think it was about a half an hour. I, too, was being "sewn back together," while DD got cleaned up. She was then handed to me and I said "when can I start breastfeeding," and the nurse said now. She latched on and hasn't let go since. LOL.
Within a 1/2 hour of her birth. We had an emergency c-section, and she was 5 weeks early, but they brought her to me right in the recovery room and we gave it a try. Took several tries to get the hang of it, and I had to supplement to due her size/prematurity, but now 10 months later it's still her favorite thing :). Good luck!
I breastfeed my kids as soon as he or she is cleaned off and returned to my arms.
With my first within the first half hour. With my second he had labored breathing and was too tired when I offered him. They worked on him and monitored him for a bit and as soon as he was able I nursed him. It was important to me to nurse my children asap. (I think I had heard/read that you may be more successful with nursing if you nurse as soon as possible)
I was unable to breastfeed for several hours due to the fact she was born by emergenc c-section and I was in recovery. It concerned me at first. however, I still refer to her as the "poster child for breastfeeding". Just lucky maybe, but when she did come to me, she latched right on and was a pro. My son, was also born c-section (planned) but had some lung issues and was in the NICU for 8 days. I couldn't hold him let alone breasfeed him for 6 days. I did pump and they fed him my BM. Then I was able to breastfeed him directly after 6 days. Now both happy and healthy at 3 and 4! It will all work out : )
The sooner the better, BUT I had a C section under FULL anesthesia and didn't get to nurse until he was 2+ hours old and he did WONDERFUL. So PLAN on right away, but if things don't go according to plan go with the flow! I DID make sure before they put me out that everyone understood they were NOT to supplement him at all unless they did a blood test to check his blood sugar and it was really low, and that if they DID supplement they were NOT to use a nipple but to tube feed him
1st baby - they weighed him and stiched me up ( a little tear) and we were feeding in less than 30 min. Mostly just colostrum. They (and Hubby) took him to get circumsized while I took a bath. After that we did a "real" feeding so that was probably 1.5-2hrs after birth.
A few hours later.
By the next day it was sooo painful but slowly things toughened up and it was so worth it. Both my kids never had allergies etc... I nursed my son for almost a year and a little over a year for my daughter.
The sooner you start nursing your baby the easier... even before your milk comes in.
I sooo wanted to quit by day two but I had some really great people who believed in nursing and I stuck with it. It is so good for your baby not to mention it saves a heck of a lot of money!
I think with my first two it was within an hour or less. The nurses were great about getting them to me and helping them latch on.
It was a few hours.
He wasn't hungry (he kept falling asleep - being born is exhausting for the baby, too) and I didn't have much to give him (my milk was slow to come in).
I nursed both of my daughters right after they had completed all the initial tests and bathed them. So basically the instant they put them back into my arms I immediately attempted to feed. My 1st born latched on instantly and was a great feeder :) My 2nd took a little coaxing (rubbing on her ity bity cheek) to get her started and then she was good to go.
Before the cord was even cut. She latched on as soon as I was holding her.
I had her at the hospital with a midwife and she wasn't "cleaned" or dressed until a few hours after she was born.
Make sure you let your doctor or midwife know what you want for the birth of your child.
Good luck.
I had my baby in the hospital. So i held him, then they cleaned him up, then everyone held him and then i bf. Probably was an hour. I think its good to do as soon as possible.
1st baby 2-3 hours after born and 2nd baby almost 5 hours
i think you can as soon as they clean the baby but i'm not sure
Within an hour for both kids, 1 was natural & 1 was a c-section