My son, who is now 11 years old did this. Except he had to have 3 pacifiers. One in each hand and one in his mouth! I know, crazy huh? Well, I tried takeing it away too and he screamed and cried for hours for it. So, I just gave it back and let him know that if he wanted it, he would have to go lay down because it was for night night time only now. He adventually gave it up. My question is though, why do you not want her to have it? She is still a baby and she needs to feel security. If other people say stuff about her still having the the pacifier then tell them that you are the only one sticking up for your daughter and she still feels the need to keep it. Why do we as a society feel the need to make our babies grow up so fast? I say let her keep it under the rule that she need to lay down when she has it. She'll get tired of laying down. Good luck! Raising kids is not easy! What works for one will not work for the other!