Hi J.!! I know exactly what you are going through, except my children are 5 and 3 now. When they were babies they loved that pacifier so much it drove my husband and I crazy. My mother-in-law suggested that I use something. IT will sound funny to you, but believe me I recommend it to anyone. Go to www.farmersalmanac.com Click on best days. They will have "wean days" I know this is used to remove babies from thier mother, but it HONESTLY works. Something about the moon sign. I used it with thier pacifiers, thier nighttime feedings of a bottle, and taking away sippie cups. I would quit using it the days it told me too. They whimpered just alittle, but not much. I know it sounds too good to be true, but if you have the willpower like you sound you do just give it a try. I hope this works for you. Good luck.