I had the stomach tightening couple times in my 7th month and didn't realize what it was. Ignored it as it always went away. 4 days later my son was born. It was a very unexpected birth. He was almost 8 weeks early. Please be careful.
Pretty much since the minute I got outta bed the area above my belly button and spread across the top there has gotten really tight as soon as I stand up. There's no pain and there's really no pattern. It stops when I sit down. I have a full work shift tomorrow which means I will be on my feet all day and this is really annoying. This is my second baby and I'll be 26 weeks tomorrow. I heard the muscles being weak plays some part in this. Has anyone else had this issue or any other issues with B.H? Does this even sound like B.H.?
I had the stomach tightening couple times in my 7th month and didn't realize what it was. Ignored it as it always went away. 4 days later my son was born. It was a very unexpected birth. He was almost 8 weeks early. Please be careful.
Well, I'll tell you that I had BH late in my pregnancy with my daughter and then with my son thought that I was having them and it was really preterm labor. He was born 2 and a half months early. I think I overworked and over did it with him. Soooo... if you're having lots of BH at 26 weeks, you might want to take it easy and get checked out by your Dr.
My OB told me I needed to drink more water when I told her I was having them around 28 weeks. I really upped my water intake & they went away!
I have not heard that and I really don't believe that. BH is the bodies way of practicing and getting ready. I had it non-stop with all my pregnancies and let me just say, my deliveries were fast and sweet....so fast that 2 of them had to be induced to make sure I was in the hospital for the births.
I believe they are VERY good for you and the delivery ahead.
Braxton Hicks this early is totally normal. With my second, I started getting them around week 25 or so when I'd stand up or move suddenly (or even go to the bathroom!). Lots and lots and lots of water helped immensely. By week 32, they were already every 10-15 minutes for a couple hours at a time. I spent some quality time at the hospital a couple times, got a couple shots to stop the contractions, there was NO pain or anything with them and I wasn't progressively dilating yet, but no baby delivered until week 37 when I walked into the hospital at 5cm!! (my Dr wouldn't let me got home after my weekly exam, so I had to be induced).
So, first things first...DRINK WATER! :) Drink more water than you possibly think you need. I was really bad about it and I'm sure that helped enhance what was already going on for me.
Second, if they start coming pretty regularly (every 10 minutes) for over an hour and they don't stop if you get off your feet and drink a gigantic glass of water, call your Dr. :)
Good luck in these last weeks!
That isn't Bh - BH is false labor pains. Your muscles are weaker because you have already had one child. I had a daycare teaching job on my feet for the 2nd pregnancy. Previous job was a desk job. When I would bend down to pick up a child, I felt like the baby was going to fall out. I had to stop working at 27 weeks.
One of the infants I had to lift was a 27 lb. 10 mo. old baby.
yes braxton hicks are actually very normal and good! you just need to make sure you moniter them, and make sure they dont come steadily and that you dont get 5 in an hour!! Just LOTS of water (to moisten up your uterus) and rest!
good luck!
BH is getting you ready, I noticed mine in about the 8th month both times. If only labor was as mild :)