77 Kids has cute things for her age.
My niece is in 6th grade and still loves Justice. Try Delia's too.
I know how important it is to fit in while at school. This Christmas I am going to buy my 6th grade daughter some new clothing since she is outgrowing toys. What brands are your 6th grader into? It is hard enough trying to fit in while at school so having the right kind of clothing helps out some. She is still only wearing a size 10 in jeans so AE is still to big for her.
Thanks Candice for worrying about me. I will check out Justice. Thanks for the advice.
77 Kids has cute things for her age.
My niece is in 6th grade and still loves Justice. Try Delia's too.
My 11yr old daughter loves anything from the store Justice, girl store.
Justice works... but keep in mind that you're intentionally starting a very young girl down this wickedly steep name brand slope & once begun, she'll never go back.
**ETA**I just re-read & saw that she's in 6th grade, not 6 years old. My fault. Makes more sense to me. ;)
Depending on the girl, Justice may be just right or too young and flashy. I've noticed that some of the 5th and 6th graders are growing out of Justice while others still love it.
Around here the girls who are not Justice style like Aeropostale or Pac Sun along with Abercrombie and the Gap. Some of the XS sizes from that store might fit.
Jeans you could get anywhere---Kohls, Pennys, Macys. Right now my daughter likes Justice, but she also likes anything that is that style. I hope she won't be into Brand Names too much!
why dont you ask her/?? then you can get a feel of what she likes. justice is a fun store. my daughter would be in heaven there but shes only 4.
My daughter stopped liking Justice mid way through fifth grade, as did all of her friends. Unless your daughter is really girly and likes lots of bling I don't think that's a great store for this age.
What is her style? My daughter is also small (still a size ten in 7th grade!) but she has some AE and Abercrombie (bought on consignment) sweatshirts in size XS which she loves. Other than that I get most of her clothing at Old Navy, Target and Penneys (her style is what I would call preppy-sporty-basic.) Why not give your daughter a few gift cards and have a post Christmas mother daughter shopping day :)
If you have a large mall near you, with several different popular clothing retailers, why not get her a mall gift card and take her shopping after Christmas? That way she can choose what she wants. She knows what's popular better than any of us do!
you have a new name! I was worried about you!
JimAtHomeDad is right....Justice is hugely popular. & pretty much anything from Kohls & Penneys makes most girls happy. Oh, & don't forget Nike!
I love that we're so close to the lake & the outlet mall....& the same distance to StL or Springfield for shopping! Have fun....