I used an ovulation kit and had a girl.
I've used ovualtion predictor kits twice and had boys both times. I am wondering how many people have had boys vs. girls using these kits?
I used an ovulation kit and had a girl.
If you time intercourse exactly with ovulation you will most likely have a boy. That is because male "swimmers" are faster and will get to the egg first. I timed my first child with ovulation and had a boy. Then the second time (I know when I ovulate) I timed it a couple days ahead because swimmers can live 72 hours. The only swimmers left then were girls because they are slower but heartier. (I did get my daughter!) The book "taking charge of your fertility" explains a lot about how to know when you are ovulating. I didn't do all what it said but - not to be gross - when you ovulate you usually have a sticky clear gel like substance. Maybe try to notice for a couple months when you ovulate like if it's on Day 14 every time and you want a girl then you could time intercourse for Day 11 or 12. I wish you all the best!
"Taking Charge Of Your Fertility" gave me the tools to have an Aquarius Girl and a Leo boy in the timing I wished. I am am very regular in my cycle and very fortunate the "tricks" worked, but cannot recommend that book enough -- you won't need a kit when you read the book and follow the guidelines.
Good luck:)
I had a girl...conceived the day the ovulation kit said "go fot it"