I am a 33 year old mom with a 6 year old and a 3 year, both boys. when my 3 year was born, my 6 year old would not let him out of his sight. he was constantly cuddling and fussing over him. he would always want to hold his bottle for him so my baby got use to it. when he started crawling and walking, he still wanted someone to hold his bottle and my older son kept doing it. i finally had to explain to older son that in order for his little bro to become a big boy like him, he would have to learn how to hold his own bottle and eventually stop using it. so he stopped but my little one refused to hold it by himself. he would cry and get upset because i would leave his bottle on the floor in front of him or at the table where he would be sitting.(do not give in!!) somehow he finally caught on that hey if i want to drink my bottle i'm going to have to get it myself. he kept trying but no luck, he eventually had no more problems with holding his own bottle. AND ACTUALLY, A COUPLE OF WEEKS LATER, HE GAVE IT UP ALL ON HIS OWN!!! NO MORE BOTTLE