I love the word "determined." I have been using "strong-willed", but I like "determined" much better. :-) The Love and Logic series is fantastic. They are helpful even at a very young age. To be honest, though, this age is all about distraction. You can start teaching "no" but it is better to save that for safety issues because it will get overused and become meaningless. Remove as many problems as possible - won't keep her hands off the knick knack - move the knick knack, set up a nice big play area for her using a baby gate like this one (http://www.toysrus.com/product/index.jsp?productId=2266978) or block off rooms you don't want her in. I put a gate around the entire family room. And get creative with getting dressed/diaper changes/getting in the car seat/things that have to happen - hand her a toy she hasn't seen in a while, point to something, sing a song, ask her a question. This age is very cute, but as you know, reasoning is ways off. Hang in there and give the Love and Logic books a try (http://www.amazon.com/Love-Logic-Magic-Early-Childhood/dp....