Call hubby and tell him to purchase an outside bug exterminating spray that makes a barrier for the entry of the exterior type bugs. also, just spraying the interior is not enough, you need to search your home to points of entry, around the entire home including cracks and crevicesa, food and water sources... Including where the children are eating, I bet you will find many places where insects are getting food... put away all foods that are plastic wrapped... Clean the cupboards of dropped food crumbs monthly, sweep behind and under the refrigerator, trash can, pet bed, remove pet dishes and the pets... Depending on the vermin you have there are different methods of prevention, but, weekly cleaning under and on the shelves and cabinets helps! check all the window, door seals, screens, rubber tracks, including under doors, most wear away, and need to be replaced... house settle, and new cracks under doors, in walls appear. If there are bugs in closets, take the clothes out, but, if it is bed bugs, only hot washing or dry cleaning helps. You can dryclean with Dryel in your home. Placing the bombs in the center of the rooms, helps, and placing old towels under the door, can improve the overall effect. Start in the top room and move towards the final exit door. Plan to take EVERYTHING YOU NEED, because you cannot re-enter! so tell the kids, one chance to get their things, including a overnight bag with clothes, in case, there are other issues... ie more infestation then you thought... you need to air out the house, after use, so make sure screens are intact, before starting. I placed my dishes into the dishwasher that I need for dinner that night, but, opened up the cabinets. as long as food is sealed there should be issues, discard open foodstuffs... take up scatter rugs, so there is access to all of the floor, place these rugs, on hard floors, instead, wash where you are able. insects can enter cracks as small as 1/32nd of an inch or smaller... so seal the exterior, remove water sources, repair leaky faucets, remove exterior pet dishes nightly and wash them, keep shoes worn outside in one place of storage, to minimize insect acess. Try using socks and slippers in the house, even for guests, we have a new slipper socks basket for guests, they get to keep the socks as a gift from us... We get them on sale, to keep down the transfer of pollen, insects, dirt, debris, etc... Plan an entire house cleaning to keep the insects from returning, no child is too young to household chores, it teaches responsibility and accountability, a trait most children are losing as they go deeper into social media, and further from their families...